
  • CANCEL OR CHANGE ORDER - You can cancel or change your order within 24 hours of ordering. 
  • RETURNS - I accept returns of unworn/unused items within 7 days of receiving said product. The cost of returning the item is not covered by Momo Studio. Upon arrival of the returned item(s), an inspection will be made to determine that the item is in the condition it was sent out. Upon passing the inspection, a full refund will be processed.
  • EXCHANGE POLICY (US) - Exchanges must be made within 7 days of receiving your order. Customer is responsible for shipping cost.
  • INTERNATIONAL ORDERS ARE FINAL SALE - no returns or exchanges
  • CLAY - I use mostly Sculpey Souffle and Sculpey Premo polymer clay for my designs and color recipes. Though, I like to try different brands every once in a while!
  • METALS - I use gold plated posts that are nickel free. For certain design I use brass findings. I have also started to use stainless steel hypoallergenic metals. The product description will specify if this is the case for that specific product.
  • BEADS - I use Delica Miyuki beads for all of my beaded items
  • RESIN - I sometimes use UV cured resin for a little extra shine!
  • STORE - Keep your jewelry in a dry, air tight space. Avoid exposing your pieces to water or humidity. Remove jewelry before working out or sleeping.
  • CLAY - To keep your clay looking brand new, use a small amount of 100% acetone (nail polish remover) with a cotton swab.
  • PIECES WITH RESIN - Use a small amount of rubbing alcohol with a cotton swab and let air dry.
  • GOLD/BRASS - If the design you purchased has a substantial amount of gold/brass pieces, I will include a polishing cloth in your box. Please use this cloth to keep your metal pieces looking brand new!